This situation can make the dog to charge, so check out the dog’s surrounding and do away with whatever is causing the situation to ensue. It is only when they are very, very happy, typically when greeting someone they really love. These dogs express their excitement in other ways such as running around in circles and barking. The circle wag typically starts side-by-side as most dogs do and then (usually as the dog’s arousal increases) it starts wagging higher and higher until it ends up performing a full, complete circle. The type of wag that indicates a happy, relaxed dog is usually a sweeping tail wag that moves from side to side at a height close to the dog’s relaxed tail carriage. What it looks like: Younger dogs zip around endlessly, burning off their excess energy, but when a senior dog has a hard time settling down it can look repetitive and ritualistic. Specialized nerves connect this duct to the brain. I'm here to provide all the knowledge and recommendations that are actually useful and works. While some wags are indeed associated with happiness, others can mean fear, insecurity, a social challenge or even a warning that if you approach, you are apt to be bitten. One study shows it might matter when it comes to dog-to-dog communication. Following is some information about circle wags in dogs. On top of offering a visual display, tail wagging is meant to spread personal information (sort of like handing out our business cards) courtesy of anal gland secretions which contain pheromones. This type of tail wag is always accompanied by broad wags of the tail since the dog is in a relaxed state. As a dog owner, it does not take much to decrypt what the dog is communicating. In general, the sweeping, broad and fast-paced wag of a happy dog’s tail upon greeting the owner is quite easy to interpret, but as mentioned, not all tail wags convey friendly interactions. A tucked tail between the legs of dog denotes a submissive and peace making nature or the dog is trying to make itself appear smaller since it’s being intimidated. The behaviour can be categorized by vigorous movement or slight movement of the tip of the tail. As the name implies, it’s almost as if the tail was a rotor blade spinning in circles producing a draft almost as if dogs were getting ready to be propelled and “take off.”. If your dog is holding his tail lowered and in between his legs, it’s likely that he’s not feeling very comfortable, even if his tail is wagging. Dog tail wagging in circles does not apply to all breeds. Howe… Also known as “helicopter wag,” or “propeller tail,”  the circle wag is a particular tail wag where the tail performs a complete circle. Within Canidae, specifically Canis lupus familiaris, the tail plays multiple roles, this can include balance, and communication. She also mentions having seen it in her own dogs after ending a great herding session and she and her dogs were particularly proud of themselves. Basically, every time the dog wags his tail, the muscles around his rectum contract with the end result of pressing on the anal glands triggering the release of scent. My New Puppy: The First 36 Hours (NEW SERIES: The Dog Training Experience Episode 1) - Duration: 19:13. Some people believe that tail wagging is caused by a state of conflict in which the dog wishes to both stay and go, so constructing that situation might also work. Some recommended products may use affiliate links. Earthbath All Natural Dog Shampoo Reviews | Bio-degradable Ingredients, Earthbath Oatmeal & Aloe Dog Shampoo Reviews | For Skin Irritation, 7 Benefits of Neem Oil Shampoo for Dogs You Must Know, Does My Dog Have a Tooth Infection? Full body wags (the body moving along with the tail) may also be seen added in the mix. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Dogs that have their tails docked can make it onerous to read the signs and tell whether it is anxious or relaxed, so proper reading of some facial expression like the mouth and ears can still aid in telling how a dog feels. Maybe the “circle wag” thing might relate to breed. A circle wag is also known as the helicopter wag wherein the tail constantly moves in a circle. and general circumstances where dogs feel particularly happy. Your dog is displaying a less social manner as it might not be relishing its surrounding. The circle tail wag is reported in a variety of dogs of different breeds and types including Labradors, boxers, Newfoundlands, pitbulls and several shepherd crosses. We all own dogs or know at least know an individual who owns one. Continued Common Compulsive Behaviors. You may also notice that your dog has a slight gentle punt and the eyes will brighten up too. The speed’s wag shows the dog’s excitement level while the range at which it sweeps its tail indicates the dog’s emotional state. But in the best tradition of ethology, “Circle Wag” is descriptive, because the tail literally goes around in a circle. This wagging often is an invitation for together time, whether through cuddly petting sessions or play. Who ever imagined dogs were capable of moving their tails in such a way? Humans are believed to have a small area in the nose that’s claimed to be a Jacobson’s organ, but it appears to have lost its functionality eons ago. Tail chasing may include physical damage to the tail or just the motion of chasing it. As I have passion for dogs. Their tails can wag in a circular motion due to exhilaration and nervousness at the same time. The tail is always wagged back and forth and the dog’s body at times moves along with the wag. It is considered a social signal. ; Pacing Some dogs walk or trot along a specific path in a fixed pattern. Interestingly, not all dogs appear to be capable of such dexterity. What Does it mean when Dog Tail Wagging In Circles (& Types) You’ll also see him shaking his entire body in a loose way, accompanied by a submissive grin or a soft open mouth. Patricia McConnell, in her popular dog blog “The Other End of the Leash” reports that she has seen this type of tail wag directed towards people dogs literally adore. If your dog’s tail wags slightly to the right, research suggests this could indicate your dog Dog Tail Wagging: How to Read His Body Language | Hill's Pet Should You Punish a Dog For Pooping in the House? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to So the next time you are walking your dog, out at the park/beach or seeing it after a long day at the office, don’t let your brain wander off to that “what does it mean when dog tail wagging in circles” land. 2  Researchers found that dogs had different emotional responses depending on whether another dog's tail was wagging Tail chasing A dog runs in a tight circle, as if chasing his tail. Circle wags appear to be done by dogs who are extremely happy. A wag that is accompanied by slow motion but no noticeable high or low posture of the tail tends to indicate that the dog is neither compliant nor perturbed. One of the most common answers to the question: “why do dogs wag their tail?” is ” because they are happy” however, tail wagging isn’t always a sign of happiness and countless dog owners have been bitten due to their misinterpretations. However, a tail wag that is more concentrated to the left side of the body tends to delineate a much more negative attitude. A circle wag can happen whenever a dog is excited, such as at feeding time or when seeing a person that the dog loves or if he is engaged in play. This type of tail wag is therefore associated with certain types of emotions ranging between happiness, enthusiasm or excitement or just pure joy. This commentary has given you a dog view perspective into the tail wagging world for better understanding of your dog. Tail wag speed can also be an indication of this. Hello Everyone!, As explained in the article “Why do dogs wag their tails, the real underlying reason why dogs wag their tails is for the purpose of  communication. And what does it mean? Content dogs frequently wag their tails in circular, wide motions. When you notice that your dog is wagging it’s tail to the right, this signals that your dog is in a positive state and is exhilarated about something like an approaching by the owner, another family member or pet. Did you think that dogs only wag their tails from side to side? Tail wagging could convey more meaning among dogs than previously thought. The same goes for dogs meeting new dogs. Dog tail wags may be used to express a variety of emotions including  excitement, arousal, and also concern, which given the right context, may even morph into aggression. My ambition is to create a community for Cynophilist that everyone could share useful knowledge & experiences about dogs & give them the best life experience. ANSWER: Perhaps the most common misinterpretation of dogs is the myth that a dog wagging its tail is happy and friendly.