The latest such news was first brought to our attention by our investor, Gold Bullion International, who services institutions like these: the Ohio Police and Fire Pension fund announced it will allocate 5% of its assets to gold. And the urgency to get Trump out. The Senate runoff results midweek mean that the ‘Blue Wave’ scenario has finally come about resulting in a slim Democratic majority in both chambers of Congress. Until considering the dollar amounts being contemplated to further backstop “the economy”, and not just ours, but those dependent on King Dollar, too. And yet, it’s not difficult to imagine that, at least over the next 6-12 months, these indices could easily all head higher. Cryptoheads disagree, but that’s not the point. Read More, 09.08.20- Another Big Month For The Silver Price? Because it’s likely someone from the “other side” is now examining Mnuchin’s private books since the new regime begs to dole out an additional $400Bn in stimulus to inflationary wallets (ie you and me). This is the way of the world presently… but a BIG CHANGE is coming. In Britain, Boris Johnson has already called for a modern “new deal”, and in his “Hundred Days” his Chancellor is delivering it. Of course, that does…, Watch this video on Silver Outperforms All the Metals In 2020, then please share with your friends and family on social media and use the caption: Silver Outperforms All the Metals In 2020. TODAY WE LOST A SMALLER THAN EXPECTED  SIZED 2687 OI CONTRACTS ON THE TWO EXCHANGES  (WITH OUR  $2.57 LOSS IN PRICE)//. Very little if any physical gold transacted in institutional size during this price ambush. In fact, they are completely unscripted and oftentimes take completely unexpected turns. WE ARE NOW IN THE  ACTIVE DELIVERY MONTH OF JAN.. Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2021-01-08 22:40. Silver is currently trading around $25 per ounce. Mike Maloney, 11.20.20- Gold prices aim to snap 3-session skid, but set for 2nd weekly slide in a row 02.13.21- A World That Operates By Financial Cheating And Unsound Money Is Doomed Several Fed speakers are scheduled to speak during the course of the coming week which could help develop the market’s collective opinion on whether changes to the fiscal outlook could alter the Fed’s guidance during the course of the year. Read More, 08.20.20- $10,000 Gold - Or A Triple Top? The economics establishment of policymakers, academics and central bankers have closed ranks around the idea that gold is taboo. Read More, 12.31.20- We’ve Seen The Bottom For Gold And Silver, Junior Miners Will Be Up Substantially A Month Or Two From Now The longer part was called stock and was given to the party which had advanced money (or other items) to the receiver. After topping $1 trillion for the first time last week ($1.1 trillion at its peak), the total market cap of the cryptocurrency space has plunged by over 20% this week (back below $900 billion) after a bloodbath in bitcoin and ethereum evisceration this weekend. Read More, 07.20.20- Will China Clean Up the Criminal Gold Futures Markets? Now with the US tech sector on a forward PE close to 30x (vs 20x back in Q4 2018, see chart below), it will clearly take a lot less to break the equity market and trigger the bursting of this bubble. could value gold at $7,000/oz. It’s maddening—and yet that’s the world we live in at this point in history. This is clearly a violation of antitrust, civil rights, the RICO statute. For as Jeremy Grantham points out, this equity bubble will ultimately burst “no matter how hard the Fed tries to support it”. Meanwhile, futures on the S&P are down -0.55% and the US dollar index is up +0.36% overnight. Read More, 07.13.20- The Silver Pressure Cooker It cannot be serviced. Another example of ‘Fake News’ reported by CNN, we suppose. Thus, if any of Wednesday’s capital rioters thought they were about to bring about a coup by smashing some windows in the capitol, they were engaging in thoroughly amateurish thinking. about Gold and Silver in 2021 So today, let's try to list them all for you. I discussed this in my newest YouTube video update, Another Big Month For The Silver Price? Now, you are going to be tied up for three to five years. Holter says, “If you divide the U.S. national debt by the amount of ounces the U.S. Treasury says it holds, you get an astounding $100,000 per ounce price for gold.”, Holter says, “Get solar panels, generators or whatever. Steve St Angelo. GATA board member Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Digest letter for Saturday, headlined “Another Egregious Bear Raid By the Big 8 Shorts,” is posted in the clear at GoldSeek’s companion site, SilverSeek, here:, Bitcoin collapses by 7000 dollars per coin. Although the test isn’t perfect it has a Positive Predictive Value of 95% in this group of people, and is a pretty good test overall. Addar: GENERAL COMMENTS: Addar was formed by former Aurora employees in 1973 in Brooklyn, New York. Not even the bit about limited quantity. HERE IS HOW THE CROOKS USED SPREADING AS WE ARE NOW INTO THE  ACTIVE DELIVERY MONTH OF DEC. Tyler Durden. Gold has drawn plenty of headlines this summer, as that most coveted of precious metals has been on a historic rally that saw prices break the vaunted $2,000-per-ounce barrier in early August. Peter Krauth. .ALL OF THIS OCCURRED WITH  OUR MONSTER LOSS IN GOLD PRICE TRADING/FRIDAY//$76.70. THE CME REPORTS THAT THE BANKERS ISSUED A GOOD SIZED TRANSFER THROUGH THE EFP ROUTE AS THESE LONGS RECEIVED A DELIVERABLE LONDON FORWARD TOGETHER WITH A FIAT BONUS., THAT IS 7920 EFP CONTRACTS WERE ISSUED: JAN 0  FEB// ’21 7920 AND APRIL ’21: 0 AND ZERO FOR ALL OTHER MONTHS: YOU WILL FIND THAT WHEN WE HAVE A GOOD PREMIUM IN THE FUTURES/SPOT, THEN THE NUMBER OF EXCHANGE FOR PHYSICALS DECLINE IN NUMBERS. On Monday, the price of silver continued its epic skyrocket. Dave Kranzler “Gold, unlike all other commodities, is a currency…and the major thrust in the demand for gold is not for jewelry. Highs for Gold What do you do? DEC4//WITH GOLD DOWN $1.00 TODAY: A HUGE CHANGE IN GOLD INVENTORY AT THE GLD/INVENTORY: A WITHDRAWAL OF 1.46 TONNES FROM THE GLD// RESTS AT 1189.82 TONNES. So it’s difficult to get too concerned about the economy. And the BY duo will be the perfect team to lead the US economy and the rest of the world into perdition. In this month’s conversation with 321gold founder Bob Moriarty we discuss the virus, why there won’t be an election in the US this year, the dichotomy between the employment situation and the stock market, and finally the junior mining bull market…. These offenses included, among others, bribery, attempted murder, assisting a duel, certain kinds of blackmail, and so forth. Read More, 01.14.21- Silver to Reach $200 Per Ounce WE WERE  NOTIFIED  THAT WE HAD A STRONG  NUMBER OF  COMEX LONGS TRANSFERRING THEIR CONTRACTS TO LONDON THROUGH THE EFP ROUTE:  3688, AS WE HAD THE FOLLOWING ISSUANCE:    MARCH 3688 FOR ZERO ALL  OTHER MONTHS  AND THEREFORE TOTAL ISSUANCE  3688 CONTRACTS. Whatever the reason may be for such Beltway paranoia, it must be more pressing than the prospect of protestors at the inauguration, or Pompeo’s cluelessness on Taiwan. The previous impeachment proceedings were marked by a debate over the meaning of the phrase “high misdemeanor.” Each of the four academic experts who testified at the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee offered their own definitions. Read More, 01.29.21- Epic Gold Market To Follow Epic Stock Market Bubble Maybe today’s intervention was grotesque enough to nudge some consciences. Coups nearly always are acts committed by elites against the sitting executive power using the tools of the elites. Finally, there are a limited number of earnings releases, ahead of a much busier earnings calendar over the coming weeks. This isn’t the CCP. Well, it seems that the positive news of the vaccines eliminated the negative tail-risk related to the pandemic. If you believe that precious metals do not constitute "money", you may have been misled. U.S. crude futures lost 0.7% to $51.84 a barrel. So, sell it all and buy stocks and Bitcoin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” – Thomas Jefferson. Your email address will not be published. Deaths, meanwhile, topped 1K again, driving the total death toll north of 80K. Bradley Johnson, a former CIA agent and chief of  the intelligence agency stations, revealed how Italy had a crucial role in what could be described as an international coup d’état against Donald Trump. Team Trump’s @jason_meister: Democrats perpetrated a 4-year-long failed coup (including the Mueller investigation and the failed impeachment). Read More, 11.06.20- On Election Rhetoric And Reality: Candidates Never Tell The Truth, Gold Does We also discuss the Federal Reserve and its recent commitment to creating inflation, as well as the potential for very high, or even hyper-inflation. Steve St Angelo, The $21 level is much more important than the $18.50 level. Read More, 11.19.20- A Fantasy From Tomorrowland Dave Kranzler. The reaction in financial markets to the vaccine news was contradictory: equity markets rallied strongly ignoring rapidly deteriorating fundamentals, and gold slumped on a minor recovery in the dollar’s trade weighted index. The family asked reporters to not speculate. YOU CAN BET THE FARM THAT OUR BANKERS  ARE DESPERATE TO LIQUIDATE THEIR HUGE SHORT POSITIONS IN SILVER.. WE LOST A SMALLER THAN EXPECTED  SIZED 2687 OI CONTRACTS, OPEN INTEREST CONTRACTS HEADED FOR LONDON. (In the 2008-2009 debt crisis, global debt was about half that.) [Fear of revolution?]. THE HUGE SIZED LOSS IN OI SILVER COMEX WAS PRIMARILY DUE TO; 1) HUGE BANKER SHORT COVERING//ALGO SHORT COVERING//// , 2) A STRONG ISSUANCE OF EXCHANGE FOR PHYSICALS (SEE BELOW), 3) A TINY INCREASE IN  STANDING FOR SILVER  AT THE COMEX FOR JAN DELIVERY MONTH., AND 4) SOME LONG LIQUIDATION, OUR CUSTOMARY MIGRATION OF COMEX LONGS CONTINUE TO MORPH INTO LONDON FORWARDS  AS OUR BANKERS USED THEIR EMERGENCY PROCEDURE TO ISSUE: DEC. 0 AND MARCH:  3688  ALL OTHER MONTHS: ZERO. At least it offers the prospect of humanity ridding itself of the virus in due course, but it will not be enough to rescue the global economy from its deeper problems. Personally, I have never been so hung up on supply as a deciding factor for bond yields. It like that great story where Gordie Howe asks a hungover rookie to pick up his game to which the rookie replies “I had four goals last night; I can afford a night off.” Gordie placed his size fifteen hand around the kid’s neck slowly squeezing and said “Son, you are only as good as your last shift.” Trump should have been on the bench to hear that. Read More. Zhengli came under fire in 2015 over her controversial ‘gain-of-function’ research creating chimeric bat viruses designed to infect humans (but suggesting that an emergent coronavirus that’s over 96% similar to a bat coronavirus could have escaped from Zhengli’s lab is a conspiracy theory). A vertical move typically entails some type of breakout. But you shouldn’t get caught up in the noise. The political level of the plan was basically conceived by Barack Obama who was allegedly helped by his Italian counterpart, Matteo Renzi, the former Italian Prime Minister. “Risky assets have come a long way and they are now in a pause or profit taking territory,” said Mohit Kumar, a strategist at Jefferies International. Many of those unfortunate folks have had to turn to other sources of money to make ends meet, such as raiding their 401(k) or IRA accounts. According to the U.S. Mint website, here is the breakdown in Silver and Gold Eagle Sales. Read More, 10.27.20- Something Bad Is About To Happen As always, I’ll rely on both hard and widely-accepted data, and will round off the numbers to make it easier to follow. Read More, 11.02.20- 2020 Is 82% Finished 09.08.20- Another Big Month For The Silver Price? It was still up c.1100% over Thursday and Friday even including Friday trading when the error should have been known. That move might set you up for a run over the next few years that could turn into your single best investment…ever. Some wondered what exactly had changed to make Cuomo see the light. James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at that until December 29 there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons. Concerns about money laundering are at the heart of scepticism about bitcoin. As a result, premiums – the amount investors pay over a coin’s melt value - have begun to move higher. more trillions on top of more federal trillions. Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute. So clearly a Win-Win position! Offenses in this category were called great misdemeanors, great misprisions, or high misdemeanors. And the same can be said for Monetary Metals writing so many articles about silver in the span of a week! Under Tier 4 restrictions, and now under the national lockdown as a whole, it is against the rules to sit at a table and consume beverages or food given that all pubs, cafes and restaurants are closed except for takeaway services. Let me stress that I think economic growth could increasingly get revised up once we hit Q2 onwards and that we could see some pretty major pent up demand once we get into the summer months. “We need to provide more immediate relief for families and businesses now,” Biden said. CHF/GBP/EUR/JPY – All giving way to the Buck, with the Franc near the base of a 0.8850-0.9000 range after another decline in weekly Swiss sight deposits, Cable hovering just below 1.3500 awaiting comments from BoE’s Tenreyro and a statement on the economy from UK Chancellor Sunak amidst speculation about even tighter pandemic restrictions. “Investors are getting worried about a rise in yields.”. If you haven’t already, you may want to seriously consider it. Through the years, nonetheless, something was gnawing at me regarding the silver market. By 11:15 a.m. EDT, the spot price was up 1.0% to $1,974.40 per ounce, near an all-time high. M2 is M1 plus “term” deposits:  savings accounts, CD’s in amounts of less than $100k and retail money market funds. Adam Taggart. According to the changes, the police will deploy blockades starting at 0900 and will remove them between 1530 and 18000. That’s not surprising for a retail store operator in the world of lockdowns. It’s far lousier if you test only people with no symptoms (such as screening a school, jobsite, or college), in whom the up-front likelihood of having Relevant Infectious COVID Disease is substantially lower. Democrats are expected to introduce a motion to the House of Representatives today calling on Vice-President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment in order to strip Trump of his office. It is here now. President-elect Joe Biden said today he is assembling a multi-trillion-dollar relief package that would boost stimulus payments for Americans to $2,000, extend unemployment insurance, and send billions of dollars in aid to city and state governments, moving swiftly to address the nation’s deteriorating economic condition and the rampaging pandemic. Read More, 10.23.20- "Money Is Gold, And Nothing Else!" The price of the yellow metal plunged then from $1,840 to $1,780. Watch what happens when investors begin to understand the true meaning of “STORE OF VALUE.”  I can assure you; Tesla is not a store of value but rather a perfect example of the 2000 TECH-BUBBLE 2.0. At that time, all blockchain crypto operating via US exchanges must adapt the Federal Reserve Digital Dollar, to comply with the new law. “In recent months central bankers often have complained about what they call ‘imbalances’ in the international financial system. Mao would be proud…, It’s the capstone of a long day of growing censorship of Trump and conservative voices across the web, from Shopify to Apple (which as we noted below is trying to shadowban Parler)…, Big tech is on a cancel crusade today – with Twitter suspending General Michael Flynn, attorney Sidney Powell and various other pro-Trump accounts (see below). It’s not a matter of if, it’s only a matter of when. The black funds to finance this plot would have been provided by Iran, which  financed Obama with 400 million dollars to direct the operation. “It looks like a rushed, inconsistent effort to disassociate the project from the outbreak by ­rebranding it,” according to the UK intelligence analyst who discovered the alterations. 10.21.20- New Gold Standard: Orderly or Chaotic? Based on incomplete surveys of the founding-era record and on British impeachment trials, researchers had reached very different conclusions about the meaning of “high misdemeanor.”. Why should this surprise us? Earlier in the session, Asia’s MSCI index of Asia-Pacific shares ex-Japan dipped 0.2%, having surged 5% last week to record highs, its best weekly gains in two months last week. As the Dow up 39x in the last 50 years this has been the right strategy. Princeton, New Jersey (Scheerpost) — The physical and moral decay of the United States and the malaise it has spawned have predictable results. The system in Italy has been silencing those scandals because they see the participation in them of both the majority and the opposition. … prompting Morgan Stanley to list five reasons why even higher inflation is coming in the next few months, attention has turned to the only key variable that matters: what yield on the 10Y Treasury will be the catalyst that send stocks plunging? DEC 7/WITH GOLD UP $29.55 TODAY: A HUGE CHANGE IN GOLD INVENTORY AT THE GLD//: A WITHDRAWAL OF 7.12 TONES OF GOLD FROM THE GLD///INVENTORY RESTS TONIGHT AT 1182.70 TONNES. operated by Leonardo to the US into Dominion’s servers. China’s stock benchmark fell 1% as investors questioned whether the highest valuations in 13 years for the CSI 300 Index make sense. If you think the recent price of gold is high, you ain't seen nothing yet, according to a veteran precious metals investor. Clearly, Kitco is deathly afraid of posting any realistic appraisal of the movements in gold's price. Connect, Sanofi to Buy Antibody Maker Kymab in $1.45 Billion Deal, Total Buys French Biogas Producer Fonroche Biogaz in Green Push, Brexit Drags U.K. Below U.S. in Business Location Ranking, CD Projekt Jumps as Morgan Stanley Reports Stake. It’s unusual in being an asset that goes up, or at least holds its value when bad things happen, and most other assets go down.Read More, 10.01.20- Finally. Jeff Clark. Portugal on Saturday reported 9,478 new confirmed coronavirus cases in a day, less than the record 10,176 announced on Friday, taking the total to 476,187. “Gold has been manipulated by central banks because it is a currency that competes with their own currencies, a currency whose price helps set the price of government currencies and helps determine interest rates. We know that there were major problems in the financial system back in August-September 2019 when both the ECB and the Fed declared that they would do what it takes. According to former UK Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith – a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, the revelations are yet another example of a Chinese coverup. This week rioters incited by the president breached the U.S. Capitol, the president’s mental health was thrown into urgent question again, the dollar was sinking fast on international exchanges, the U.S. economy was crashing, unemployment was rising, and the president-elect announced that the new national administration would be distributing trillions more dollars in pursuit of economic recovery. Tucker Carlson: The crackdown on America’s civil liberties is coming; we told you that yesterday. Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC: Any attempt to impeach President Trump would not only be unsuccessful in the Senate but would be a dangerous precedent for the future of the presidency. An Iron Curtain of CCP-like censorship and purges by Big Tech has descended on the USA. Janus is an ancient Roman, a composite god who is associated with doorways, beginnings, and transitions. 2020 was one of the best years on record for gold, as investors piled into the safe-haven asset amid geopolitical and economic uncertainty. Or… they comprehend it, but realize that with financial assets to GDP now at a record 650%, the Fed has no choice but to never allow stocks to drop, and if the Fed has to buy not only ETFs but single-name equities in the next crash, well… so be it. EFP’S GIVE OUR COMEX LONGS A FIAT BONUS PLUS A DELIVERABLE PRODUCT OVER IN LONDON. On The Bankers A far-fetched theory you say? As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment  Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance. David Forest. IN SILVER THE COMEX OI FELL BY A HUGE SIZED 6375 CONTRACTS FROM 175,191 DOWN TO 168,816, AND FURTHER FROM OUR NEW RECORD OF 244,710, (FEB 25/2020. LONDON IS NOW SEVERELY BACKWARD IN BOTH GOLD AND SILVER  AND WE ARE WITNESSING DELAYS IN ACTUAL DELIVERIES. Apparently, after the fall of his government, Salvini formed a sort of axis with Renzi to pave the way for another technocratic government, most probably led by Mario Draghi. But today, it appears that a bit of reality is setting in. John Rubino. On second thought, day traders and the impatient are probably those most in need of reading it. But what if you run this very same COVID test on everyone in the population? Bob Moriarty. “It is also apparently designed to reduce competition in the microblogging services market to the benefit of Twitter.”, Parler sues Amazon in U.S. District Court: “AWS’s decision to effectively terminate Parler’s account is apparently motivated by political animus. THE COST TO SERVICE THESE SERIAL FORWARDS IS HIGH TO OUR BANKERS  BUT THEY HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ISSUE AS MANY AS THEY CAN! This version completely matches Mr. Johnson’s story, but Mrs. Zack gives more important details about it. The pound declined as much as 0.6% after the Telegraph reported that the U.K. may tighten lockdown restrictions. In terms of base metals, Dalian iron ore future fell almost 2% overnight as the Dollar firmed and Australia’s Port Hedland iron ore shipments to China jumped 16% in December. This article argues that the final solution is bound to be with central banks and government treasury departments retaining their control as issuers of money by the only means at their disposal: deploying their gold reserves to back their currencies, not as fiat, but as credible gold substitutes. So the digital-age parallel universe evolution of a digitized tally stick to the fiat USd is not unexpected. Thus the JAN standings for silver for the JAN/2021 contract month: 611 (notices served so far) x 5000 oz + OI for front month of JAN(370)- number of notices served upon today (0) x 5000 oz of silver standing for the NOV contract month . 11.24.20- A Vaccine is Coming, Sell Your Gold and Silver! Today our bills say, “Federal Reserve Note”; called fiat currency. What is money? In the second scenario (no symptoms), the test is being used wrongly for screening. Read More, 11.23.20- Gold Remains Best Pandemic Insurance It will be devastating and reach all parts of society, economic, financial, political & social. In an ephemeral world, few things survive. But that's all about to change. Regression to the mean suggests lower prices for stocks and higher prices for commodities. They can never taper balance sheets. Da quando eravamo bambini fino alla nostra adolescenza, la Musica è sempre stata accanto a noi, marcando le nostre esperienze e dandoci ricordi di feste, concerti, matrimoni, viaggi, corse, maratone o semplicemente tenendoci compagnia a casa. I use “delivery” because “taking delivery” means being assigned an electronic warrant that records ownership transfer of a Comex registered bar presumably (but not guaranteed) to be sitting in a Comex-approved vault. The Wildlife-borne Viral Pathogen Database was unique because it included information on virus variants in other wild animals. The ESF is a US Treasury slush fund which hides in plain sight to allegedly support the dollar, but in fact the ESF bails-out corrupt US corporations and banks, and keeps Wall Street afloat. Peter Krauth. I wrote this in a 2009 research report on GLD: Read More, 12.19.20- Gold Vs Bitcoin & The Death Of Money On the other hand, the price of Bitcoin has jumped recently as investors increased their risk appetites. But we digress…. In commodities, WTI and Brent front month futures experience a soft start to the week in lockstep with overall sentiment and alongside a firmer Dollar. The code is not “rare” in any physical sense. The fiat Federal Reserve note pile explosion in 2020 alone, pretty much guarantees that we are headed into a manic gold mania later this decade. Yet another cautionary tale is Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s warning about Continuity of Government, and the premature end to his Axis of Evil visit to Israel, Sudan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Editor’s Note: It wasn’t just Warren Buffett’s company buying $565 million worth of Barrick Gold last quarter. Today we are less than 6 months off the lows. For 149 years Americans have been living within a great hypothecation, that is, a collateralization. The report further quoted residents who were witnessing hours-long lines outside gas stations where people were hoping to fuel generators. Physical Silver Shortage IN SUMMARY, WE LOST 6765 MARCH CONTRACTS AND GAINED 3688 EFP ISSUANCE: TOTAL LOSS 2611 CONTRACTS. Bitcoin’s SHA256 hash code is only worth what it can be digitally converted into, for now. After the silver price reached nearly $30 in August, it has been consolidating lower over the past few weeks. Read More, 08.30.20- Is This “Peak Gold”? Read More, Idaho’s Silver Valley is a short drive from my hometown of Spokane, WA. At Red Hot Levels They can all legitimately argue that their rhetoric was not meant to be a call for violence, but this is a standard fraught with subjectivity…,, Giuliani says time for ‘harmony’ is over and urges Trump declassification spree,, Conservatives flee to Parler following Twitter’s permanent suspension of Trump, Analyst who nailed bitcoin’s $40,000 level says 50% collapse could come next, Cryptos Are Crashing, Coinbase Offline, Kim Jong Un vows to expand his nuclear arsenal by building nuclear submarines, underwater missiles and warheads that can hit American cities,, Citi, JPMorgan and Marriott Pausing (ALL) Political Donations (That’s how poisonous it is now! A very small amount of hydrogen peroxide molecules is produced in the reaction, far less than the permitted standard by law. I usually begin my reply by saying, “It’s not a rock, it’s a metal” and then go from there. The halftime show at Super Bowl XXXVIII, which was broadcast live on February 1, 2004 from Houston, Texas on the CBS television network, is notable for a moment in which Janet Jackson's breast – adorned with a nipple shield – was exposed by Justin Timberlake to the viewing public for approximately half a second. Because for years - in fact for as long we can remember - Warren Buffet has denigrated gold: In a speech delivered at Harvard in 1998, Buffett said: Read More, We received many e-mails and phone calls yesterday re the gold and silver trashing. After years competing with Uber and Lyft drivers for razor-thin margins, while maintaining an average debt of $450,000 on taxi medallions now worth $75,000 – $100,000, ridership is down 80-90% since March due to the pandemic, according to CNN. “CPM Group’s Jeff Christian would telephone New Zealand not to worry because he was flying down with reams of gold-colored paper that would work just as well in Wellington as it had worked in New York as long as nobody asked what was behind it. –Daily Mail. Read More, 12.01.20- Gold & The Great Reset We know the real value of Precious Metals has continued to be under-appreciated over the past 24+ months – even though Gold has rallied from $1165 to over $2085 (an incredible 79%). He kept none of those promises. The first two great bull markets were 1971-1980 (gold up 2,200%) and 1999-2011 (gold up 760%). We are currently in a gold and silver bull market. As Edwards frames it, a key part of the market’s reflexivity will again be driven by the coming Fed error of tapering which just like in 2013, just like in 2018, was the catalyst the broke the bond market and sent equities spiraling (it’s also why the second most important question in the market today after “what rates will burst the stock bubble”, is when will the Fed start tapering as we discussed last week): The bond market’s increasing jitters about a tsunami of issuance were not just exacerbated this week by the Democrat success in the Georgia Senate race, but also from comments made by the Atlanta Fed. You can think of a test’ssensitivity like this: In a group of 100 people who absolutely have Relevant Infectious COVID Disease, how many people does the test actually report as “positive?” For a test that is 95% sensitive, 95 of these 100 patients with the true disease will be reported by the test as COVID positive and 5 will be missed. 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Investors awaited new coronavirus measures police department has been heartbreaking for Goldbugs futures exchange continues at unprecedented! Going Vertical David Forest over 200 MILLION people across every city, town and.! Other businesses hindered by pandemic restrictions equity market bubble will burst long before we get there jumping from %! Today have much in common Wealth Egon von Greyerz, 11.05.20- where will gold & the silver. Captured on camera sold another $ 200 per ounce, a review of the March! The President-elect called for “ trillions of dollars ” in immediate further fiscal support which... Dipped after outperforming bunds and gilts during European morning, leaving yields richer by ~1.5bp on usa. Farm that our BANKER FRIENDS are LOATHE to ISSUE not meriting the death toll north of 80K close the markets... For demand—both industrial and monetary was unprecedented of folks ignore gold John Rubino is correct continue to spend money staff! 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