There's no way I have receipts for them I also brought some of those items from other people. I tried to make a purchase with a credit card using all valid information. Mercari chooses not to tell you the reason that buyers give for returns or allow you to fight it. I'm a normal person trying to make a dollar. We can’t reach Mercari by phone, and via chat Mercari is not being responsive at all. Thanks mercari for destroying a small entrepreneur's dream on providing a little extra income during this Covid-19 Crisis. They won’t tell me why my account got suspended or a way to solve it. They have cancelled/suspended my account stating there was a "bank inquiry" and therefore, they had to suspend my acct. The buyer decided to return it for no reason, and Mercari approved it. Can anyone explain why Ebay would suspend your account for no reason? L'Diva DeLeon. Mercari unfairly treats their buyers/seller's with no respect or professionalism. 3 years ago. I wasn't doing anything illegal , i had no reason to hurry and rush the money to some account to avoid something like this happening. If letter writing and saving stationary items is a crime, I’m guilty as charged. My son sold an item on Mercari, described it accurately, shipped it on-time, and provided good photos. However, it could also happen knowingly or unknowingly that you haven’t done anything wrong but your social media account gets suspended for no reason. It went through but the next day I noticed that Mercari cancelled the transaction and suspended my account for no reason. Main thing one needs to know going in or continuing to use it especially as a seller. Other sellers reviewing Mercari were upset about additional Mercari fees for cashing out their money to a debit card using the Instant Pay option. Ebay fans, experts, enthusiasts, users, sellers and everyone inbtwn. They kept asking for the receipt for all my inventory. My account is suspended for no reason. Report. Tweet. Pretty much out-of-luck, we can say. Those are items I sold over 2 months ago. I have received no email regarding the problem. Etsy has suspended my account for no reason. Mercari is fucking garbage. 6; Share. So now I'm going to go ahead and make another account. I tried contacting them via the help centre last Friday but still yet to recieve any response. Thanks for adding your voice. They suspended my account for No reason also. No explanation, no phone support, no response. While posting any challenge video on TikTok, sharing any vlog on Twitter can also be one of the reasons for the suspension. One seller mentioned not being able to transfer their money to their bank account and found out that Mercari suspended indefinitely their account with no notice or reason. Will suspend and or terminate any account that they deem "suspicious" even if you have done nothing wrong and if you ask them for information they tell you as per their guidelines they can not release any information but still terminate your account. Mercari allows you to sell things you no longer need all around the U.S. in a secure way. They state that they will decide within 3 days as to whether or not the return reason is valid. I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND USING THIS SITE. However, many questions and concerns may come up as you buy and sell using their services. Hello all I just got my second seller account banned for whatever reason, and mercari stated that if I come back to the platform all direct deposits will be placed on hold, they also stated that they noticed I was previously banned. Close to 3k stolen from this company. I had 133 5-star reviews as a buyer and seller. …