Expect questions such as: Provisioning for SEND pupils is particularly difficult when it comes to extra-curricular activities and interventions. Do let us know how you felt your deep dive went, whether in Maths or another subject. What would I expect them to see/hear? The new Ofsted method is to : • Share a Top Level view with leaders to consider the offer and to whom and when it is intended. How do you improve pupils’ cultural capital (and how do you ensure it)? The phrase ‘deep dive’ is the latest new terminology to come out of OFSTED’s focus on the curriculum and how it is planned and delivered. ), we know what is takes to run a high quality intervention. How does your curriculum support your school’s aims? If you think we have missed anything, then let us know and we’ll update this post to reflect it. Where is there evidence of what you have put in place and the impact it has had? Are the children learning new knowledge and skills? Expect questions such as: As you can see, these questions are similar to those that might have been asked as part of the old framework, but with a greater emphasis – as with the majority of the new framework – on subject knowledge and pupil progression. All rights reserved.Third Space Learning is the trading name of Virtual Class Ltd. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It begins with a 'top level' view of what is happening in a school; leaders will be asked about what children are learning and how they are doing, and an agreement will be reached on the pre-inspection call about the areas of the curriculum that are to be explored more deeply. You prepare for a deep dive in much the same way you’ve prepared for Ofsted school inspections in the past; keep your books up to scratch for work scrutinies, make sure you’re following your School Improvement Plan (SIP), and have an idea of your department’s wider strategy and curriculum intent. What is an Ofsted Deep Dive? Those schools who are lucky enough to have their own confident maths specialists in school, tend then to use our intervention lesson packs which can then be focused on each child’s gaps. Did they say what they thought of off the shelf schemes? Not a RE Deep Dive 4. How are gaps bridged between each key stage? How do you make sure that children who get ‘stuck’ feel supported in lessons? An Ofsted inspection of any school, primary or secondary, will now include ‘deep dives’ into particular subjects or areas (e.g. Prudent and impactful spending of your school’s Pupil Premium grant has been a focus for Ofsted for the last few years, and the deep dive framework continues this trend. What are the strengths/ areas for development in your subject? Basically, there are 6 areas that the history subject leader may expect to be involved in Exploration of medium/long term plans for history Meetings with history leader(s) Observations/Learning Walks (often with the history leader). What are you trying to achieve with your curriculum? According to the new EIF, the intent behind a deep dive is to “establish a coherent base on quality of education”; so multiple deep dives from Ofsted will give inspectors a connected sample of lessons with which to establish a clearer idea of the overall teaching quality of the school. The individual attention they provide also helps pupils with needs (e.g. Here’s why. As ever the inspectors will want to know before they go into any classroom, or look at pupils’ work in books, what they are likely to see and how you are providing for children with SEND. Ofsted are now assessing a school’s quality of education by carrying out ‘deep dives’ into subject areas. How do you support SEND/PP pupils within the setting? 9-10 October Not a RE Deep Dive 5. What would you expect the teaching assistant to be doing during the lesson? Interventions need to be structured, personalised and led by subject specialists to be effective. Find out what Ofsted inspectors might ask during a science 'deep dive'. We do not recommend conducting mock inspections or deep dives; while they were considered the ‘in thing’ a few years ago, they’re now recognised as a pointless exercise that just causes staff unnecessary stress and might even make performance during a real inspection worse. How as subject lead do you know what is happening across the school. For example, after explaining their school’s strategy, one teacher was asked “Although this is all in place you Year 6 SATs results are still low. For all its similarities to past inspections, the deep dive framework is different, and getting information from those who’ve been through it already can only benefit you. For example, they may ask questions such as: At Third Space Learning, we help to reduce teacher workload by enabling schools to run up to 15 personalised one-to-one interventions within a single hour of the day, as opposed to using fifteen hours of teacher time (plus planning). Ofsted and CQC report on one year of SEND inspections. Our interventions also help those pupils who may be falling behind catch up with their peers, enabling class teachers to spend less time worrying about organising and delivering catch-up lessons in their own time. What is in place for these children? Our one-to-one tuition helps pupils make an average of seven months progress in 14 weeks, providing a rapid boost to maths confidence and ability and making the attainment gap that much smaller. Ofsted Deep Dive Questions: Preparation And Discussion Framework. Progress has been mentioned a lot during these Ofsted deep dives. We provide non-prescriptive schemes to support target areas such as Fluent in Five (our daily arithmetic progression scheme aligned with the National Curriculum and proven to improve arithmetic), or Rapid Reasoning – our daily reasoning progression scheme. The reading deep dive is a mandatory part of the new inspections in these schools. Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of pupils across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1-to-1 lessons and maths interventions designed to plug gaps and boost progress. Most teachers were asked what interventions they had in place, with a particular focus on interventions for pupil premium children. How Trent Primary School Became Ofsted Outstanding, maximise the impact of your Pupil Premium, Knowledge organisers: What they are and how to use them, A beginner’s guide to curriculum development, Primary curriculum design for the new Ofsted framework. If history isn’t taught on the day of inspection then they understand that but Continue … Inspectors will look at 7 aspects of early reading, as set out in paragraph 298 of the school inspection handbook. Help your school get ready for the new Ofsted inspections with this framework of the deep dive questions you can expect to be asked. Primary Good Pupils learn history, geography, religious education and other foundation subjects through a combined approach which the school calls its creative curriculum. As a curriculum designer and computing leader, what leaps out to me from the indicators are: Curriculum 1c – importance of knowledge progres… How off the shelf is the scheme you use? KeyDoc: reading deep dive questions (primary) DOC, 158.5 KB Download. Daily activities, ready-to-go lesson slides, SATs revision packs, video CPD and more! Primary Good Pupils learn about other religions and cultures and understand the need for tolerance and kindness. • Undertake a Deep Dive gathering evidence about the Intent, Implemenation and Impact of the curriculum. NQTs? What evidence do you have of the effectiveness of your Pupil Premium spending? maths or EYFS) which Ofsted will decide on and inform you of prior to the inspection. However, they “…refused to look at internal data.”. The deep dive approach will also be used for Section 8 inspections, as well as for Section 5 full inspections. We’ve also prepared a free downloadable framework of the most frequently asked Ofsted deep dive maths questions together with a framework for preparing your answers. autism) focus more easily on the lesson and subject, and encourages them to communicate more without the anxiety that might be present in a full classroom. Are the staff conducting interventions subject specialists or support staff? How is your curriculum coverage progressive throughout the school? The briefing draws on information from Ofsted guidance for inspectors, including the School inspection handbook, School inspection update, and Inspecting … The Ofsted deep dive is one of the key elements of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework’s curriculum focus. Subject Deep Dives typically take the format below: This will be an in-depth look at a particular area of your curriculum (e.g. As well as this, teaching staff benefit from over 1500+ ready to go resources in the Third Space Maths Hub. Why? What are you doing about it?”. Light in Science). How is this being evidenced? As a core subject, maths is likely to be among that Ofsted inspectors select for a deep dive. 1. “The new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) refers to learning being sequenced and adapted to suit the school I think. What are your strengths and weaknesses? We provide non-prescriptive schemes to support target areas such as, monitor progress and highlight pupils and areas that need extra support. As the largest provider of specialist maths interventions in the UK (50,000 pupils taught so far! Will the correct vocabulary for the topic be used? All the questions that were asked and why Ofsted were happy with what was happening. An Ofsted deep dive is an in-depth examination of a … Useful for when it comes to your inspection day! How do you know there is progression throughout the school? Its implementation ismonitored through Using the Third Space online platform, we enable up to fifteen personalised one-to-one interventions to happen within a single hour of the school day, as opposed to fifteen hours of teaching time, helping to create confident, able mathematicians whilst reducing teacher workload. Do you feel you have been given all the tools you need to do this role? Explain how the tasks taught link to your subject overview and what would come next. 10/10/2019. The very term “deep dive” has been met with some derision by some in the teaching community, who dislike the “corporate” feel to the word and feel that branded words like that have no place in UK primary schools. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Common questions included: “They constantly asked me about how our school scheme linked to the National Curriculum; progression; interventions; planning; small steps; teachers’ and TAs’ subject knowledge. How do you provide for Pupil Premium pupils? How do you assess and monitor it? Deep dive: then, a ‘deep dive’, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, ... probe questions that have emerged as a result of the deep-dive work. Does the teacher’s questioning encourage learning and enquiry? It includes questions for subject leads, questions around phonics and questions children could be asked. Is there consistency across the year groups? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. What is in place for the children who are stuck? Find out more about how Third Space Learning could help your school maximise the impact of your Pupil Premium funding. During an Ofsted subject deep dive, inspectors will also undertake two lesson observations each. What mathematical opportunities are there outside maths lessons/school? What links are there between your subject and the rest of the curriculum? As ever with the Third Space Learning Maths Hub, while premium users get access to the entire range of hundreds of maths resources, made for the new mastery curriculum, every teacher and school leader can download samples for free. An Ofsted inspection of any establishment, primary or secondary, small school or large, will now include ‘a subject deep dive’. • Bring it together to ensure there are no systemic weaknesses. (Eg. Ofsted’s understanding of educational effectiveness. Deep Diving into the English Curriculum. What do you do to ensure that your teachers and TAs have up to date subject knowledge? Added to this, we recommend you work through the questions below thinking about how you’ll answer them at your next inspection. One school went as far as saying “There was no interest at all in data.” Others said that they did receive questions regarding their external data such as SATs scores, and disadvantaged gap, including looking at the 3 year trend. specialist one-to-one maths interventions from Third Space’s specialist maths tutors. Our Maths Masterclasses are longer, conference style content delivered by primary maths specialists such as Jane Gill or Chris Dyson, and covering key mathematical topics. We have also created an entire series of extremely popular daily lesson powerpoints which match the White Rose Maths Small Steps for Year 1 to Year 6. How do you use the community, trips, visitors in your subject? Download our list of questions to get the latest insights – they're based on recent inspections under the 2019 framework. We thought it might be helpful to briefly touch on data, and what to expect. Our one-to-one tuition helps pupils make an average of. One teacher even reported questions regarding STEM and STEM days. free copy of the downloadable list of Ofsted deep dive questions, Ofsted Ratings and Reports Explained for Primary School Parents and Teachers. Nevertheless, Ofsted have … Our one-to-one interventions are personalised to each pupil and all lessons are designed by a team of academic experts and delivered thousands of times to create perfect lessons for 1-to-1 learning. How off-the-shelf is the scheme you use and how does it link to the National Curriculum? © 2021 Third Space Learning. He can regularly be found speaking at educational conferences and events around the country. This can help identify which pupils will benefit most from the specialist one-to-one maths interventions from Third Space’s specialist maths tutors. Our tutors use these reports to further personalise and adapt lessons for each pupil between sessions, ensuring they’re learning the content at the best pace for them. P.E was chosen for the Deep Dive – to be honest the experience was intense yet enjoyable. Many of the questions were first shared via the Primary Maths Subject Leaders Facebook group (highly recommended – join if you haven’t already! OfSTED: A "Deep Dive" in Music - A Primary Perspective Interview with the Music Subject Leader: Before watching lessons and talking with children: 1. What aspirations do you have for these children? (Download a free sample of 6 weeks of Rapid Reasoning questions). How do class teachers know what went before in previous years? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Why is your curriculum structured in this way? SEND is a common theme for questioning during Ofsted deep dives and links often to the questions around progression for the whole class. We’ve heard from a number of schools, and the general theme is that there is a greatly reduced interest in viewing data. Please read our, Free SATs Papers to Get Year 6 Ready for KS2 SATs 2021, Ofsted Deep Dive: What It Is, What to Expect And How To Prepare (40 Questions). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Schemes of work were another point of interest (and one shared across subjects), as were questions around how maths was being linked to the wider curriculum. We also have over 150+ Maths in Minutes videos: bitesize CPD with top teaching tips which can be easily watched before teaching a topic, and which are brilliant for improving subject knowledge amongst NQTs and TAs.