A motor vehicle owned by a resident of this state, which is thirty (30) years of age or older, based upon the date of manufacture thereof, and which travels on highways of this state primarily incidental to historical or exhibition purposes only. Repealed by Laws 1988, c. 290, § 25, operative July 1, 1988. Abandonment unlawful - Determination. §47-758. Motor Vehicle Driver Education Revolving Fund. Manufacturer's or distributor's prevention or refusal to honor succession to dealership by legal heir or devisee of new motor vehicle dealer - Procedure. §47-7-609. Renumbered as § 11-805.3 of this title by Laws 2003, c. 279, § 16, emerg. Renumbered as § 15.3 of Title 73 by Laws 1995, c. 288, § 3, eff. §47-166.1. Rulemaking authority - Requests for service by political subdivisions - Official rotation logs. §47-154. July 24, 1985. Official traffic - Control devices. Nov. 1, 2001. §47-1164. Nov. 1, 1995. US State: Oklahoma Amendment Level: May 2019 Number of Pages: 5 Vehicle Types: Agricultural Tractor, Bus, Car, Component, Heavy When local authorities may and shall alter maximum limits. Class C commercial motor vehicle. Obstruction to turning of steering control - Definitions. Nov. 1, 2002. §47-11-1302. §47-230.34b. Cancellation, denial, or disqualification. Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles. §47-230.6. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 176, § 2, eff. §47-21-104. §47-11-901c. eff. Nov. 1, 2003. §47-701. 1910, 8147. §47-12-221. Single-axle load limit - Gross weight of vehicle and load - Exceptions - Additional fees - "Utility vehicle" defined. §47-1107.3. §47-230.16. Authorized emergency vehicles - Equipment §47-2-313. §47-4-105. §47-12-101.2. §47-6-106.2. Effective date of signing) amends Title 47 O.S. Denial, revocation or suspension of license - Right of first refusal. Law Enforcement Retirement Board. Authorized emergency vehicles; vehicles used in construction or maintenance of highways - Excepted from certain provisions. §47-10-117. §47-11-901b. §47-12-505. Fuel tanks and intake pipes - Projection beyond side of vehicle - Construction and attachment. Every tire the surface of which in contact with the highway is wholly or partly of metal or other hard, nonresilient material. §47-12-309. §47-11-315. Every natural person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation. §47-11-1301. Oklahoma License Plate Design Task Force. §47-591.9. §47-15-109. §47-1603. Notice to manufacturer or distributor of proposed sale, transfer, or assignment of franchise. §47-1104.19. §47-2-140.7. §47-7-307. eff. Every sheriff, constable, policeman, highway patrolman, and any other officer who is authorized to direct or regulate traffic or make arrests for violations of state traffic laws and municipal ordinances. Repealed by Laws 2009 c. 62, § 41, eff. §47-4-107a. Not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor; and. Title 70] demonstrating reading proficiency at the eighth grade reading level, unless such student is excused from such requirement pursuant to the provisions of State Statutes Title 47 Section 3 [ibid. Inspection of public garage or repair shop or place where vehicles are held for sale or wrecking for purpose of locating stolen vehicles and investigating title and registration thereof. §47-6-105.3. Computer Imaging System Revolving Fund. §47-2-305. Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). §47-19-211. Nov. 1, 2009. June 2, 2008. §47-434. §47-14-103. Vehicles required to be registered - Registration schedule - Delinquent registration - Penalties. Public policy and interest - Revocation of existing certificates and permits - Application of act. §47-6-201. Physical disability temporary placard - Definitions. Drunk Driving Prevention Act - Short title. July 1, 1992. Temporary permit or authorization for vehicle subject to proportional registration. Medium-speed electric vehicles - Titling and registration - Operation on roadways. Advisory Committee for Motorcycle Safety and Education. §47-2-102. §47-11-1103. No operation under foreign license during suspension or revocation in this state. Repealed by Laws 1995, c. 143, § 45, eff. Sale and auction of used vehicles, used emergency vehicle equipment, and forfeited property. Amended by Laws 2004, c. 390, § 3, eff. §47-1135.3v1. Sept. 1, 1961. §47-605. §47-180l. July 1, 2001. §47-14-103G. §47-170. §47-467. §47-12-204.1. §47-6-209. §47-2-308.1. §47-6-208. §47-1144. Repealed by Laws 2005, c. 190, § 20, eff. §47-7-501. §47-1006. §47-6-307. Additional lights and reflectors. Added by Laws 1961, p. 318, § 1-134, eff. Nov. 1, 2009. Registration of commercial vehicles. Authorized emergency vehicles. §47-1113. Title 47. License - Issuance - Contents - Carried in vehicle - License plate. §47-4-104. Every motor vehicle of the type constructed and used for the transportation of persons for purposes other than for hire or compensation. Oklahoma Statutes contains Oklahoma law,Marriage and Family Code,Banks and Trust Companies law,Corporations,State Government,Damages ,Election Code.Laws are approved by the Oklahoma Legislature and signed into law by the governor of Oklahoma. Parking areas for physically disabled persons - Violations and penalties. Nov. 1, 2002. §47-2-136. Allowing passenger to ride outside passenger compartment. License to operate a motor vehicle. Disposition of proceeds of sale. Pedestrians subject to traffic regulations. Public officers and employees - Exceptions. Added by Laws 1961, p. 315, § 1-104, eff. All Statutes in this title refer to the Corporation Commission directly or indirectly. Full time and attention to driving. Instructions or advice to motor vehicle agents. Repealed by Laws 2007, c. 56, § 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1991. §47-1135.2v2. Duty to give information and render aid - Drug and alcohol testing. April 10, 1980. §47-16-106. §47-2-130.1. §47-579.1. Periods of revocation - Denial of driving privileges. §47-12-606. §47-437. §47-1134.2. §47-228.3. §47-11-308a. April 11, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 411, § 6, eff. §47-11-1402. Repealed by Laws 2004, c. 521, § 20, eff. Nov. 1, 2002. §47-11-602. §47-1115.2. §47-14-103E. Powers and duties of Commissioner. Right of appeal to district court. §47-2-122.1. Bioptic driving - Restricted license. §47-11-1303. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 397, § 36, eff. Repealed by Laws 1983, c. 173, § 4, eff. Repealed by Laws 1995, c. 143, § 45, eff. eff. eff. Operation of equipment not owned by motor carrier - Required lease provisions. Repealed by Laws 1994, c. 218, § 12, eff. Authority of county or municipal corporation not affected. Sept. 1, 2005. Wrecker or towing vehicles - License plates - Registration. Added by Laws 1961, p. 318, § 1135. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 397, § 36, eff. §47-1119. Special permits - Movement of houses or buildings. Agreements for payment of damages. §47-2-304. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 397, § 36, eff. §47-7-505. Designating office of county treasurer as motor license agent. Class C commercial motor vehicle. Renumbered as § 3-453 of Title 43A by Laws 1990, c. 265, § 77, operative July 1, 1990. §47-166.3. Renumbered as § 485.12 of Title 63 by Laws 2002, c. 397, § 35, eff. §47-11-803. Laws 1961, p. 318, § 1142; Laws 1968, c. 148, § 1, emerg. Repealed by Laws 2001, c. 131, § 19, eff. Repealed by Laws 2001, c. 131, § 19, eff. §47-2-105.4A. Oklahoma Friends of the Capitol License Plate Revolving Fund. Any single vehicle or combination of vehicles, other than a Class A or Class B vehicle as defined in this title, which is: 1. One-way roadways and rotary traffic island. Vehicles of Oklahoma National Guard units designated by the Adjutant General for support to civil authorities; or. Sale of business assets - Conditions. Removed, falsified or unauthorized identification. Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). Oklahoma Statutes covers all laws, amendments, and enactments through the most recent legislative session. The territory contiguous to and including a highway when within any six hundred (600) feet along such highway there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes, including but not limited to hotels, banks, or office buildings, railroad stations and public buildings which occupy at least three hundred (300) feet of frontage on one side or three hundred (300) feet collectively on both sides of the highway. §47-11-807. Repealed by Laws 1995, c. 27, § 9, eff. §47-10-108. July 1, 1990. Nov. 1, 2001. §47-180i. §47-1140. §47-162. April 30, 2007. Basic rule - Maximum and minimum limits – Fines and penalties. Amended by Laws 1976, c. 284, § 1, emerg. eff. §47-12-211. §47-40-102. eff. §47-251. §47-2-127. “Other intoxicating substance” defined. §47-1104.4. May 11, 1992; Laws 2004, c. 390, § 2, eff. eff. Persons working on highways - Exceptions. §47-6-207. Owner-installed manufactured homes. Issuance of identification card - Fees. April 30, 2007. §47-226.1. §47-7-626. §47-1104.22. eff. April 30, 2007. Transfer of facilities and equipment to determine vehicle weight and funds to Department of Transportation - Agreement with Corporation Commission. Capitol patrol members and park managers and supervisors - Transfer to Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System from Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System. §47-583. 2. Application for membership - Assistant Commissioner as member of System - Make-up contributions by certain employees. §47-591.5. Amusements and Sports (277KB) Title 4. §47-1135.6. §47-14-117. Special license plates – Political subdivisions – Tax exemption or nonprofit – Physical disability – Indian tribe – Hearing impaired – Antique vehicles – Honorary consul. Record of traffic cases - Report of convictions to department. §47-14-118.1. Driving on mountain highways. Every highway, street or roadway in respect to which owners or occupants of abutting lands and other persons have no legal right of access to or from the same except at such points only and in such manner as may be determined by the public authority having jurisdiction over such highway, street or roadway. §47-1113.2. Permit fees - Escrow account system - Applications - Emergencies - Provisional permits - Violations - Disposition and allocation of proceeds. §47-21-105. Authorization to design and issue special license plates. April 10, 1980. §47-230.34a. §47-1126. Nov. 1, 2001. Nov. 1, 2003. §47-14-103C. Sept. 1, 2005. Renumbered as § 78c of Title 74 by Laws 2001, c. 169, § 10, eff. §47-6-212.4. §47-228.1. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 397, § 36, eff. Seizure of documents and plates. Employer permitting unlicensed or improperly licensed person to drive. Vehicles not registered or improperly registered. Official slow-moving vehicle emblem. §47-423. Sept. 1, 2005. §47-6-303. Repealed by Laws 2003, c. 411, § 86, eff. §47-1-107.3. Reciprocal compacts and agreements with other states. Repealed by Laws 2005, c. 190, § 20, eff. Property subject to forfeiture - Determination of identity of rightful owner - Disposition of forfeited property - Issuance of new certificate of title or salvage certificate. §47-11-507. Violations of act or rules and regulations. Nov. 1, 2009. §47-2-105.6A. Additional fee payable to Oklahoma Tax Commission. Vehicle registration fees - Assessment - Computation. §47-2-309.6. §47-2-305.1C. eff. Automobile. Seizure of vehicles not bearing or displaying proper license plate - Sale. §47-11-1105. 2019 Oklahoma Statutes Title 47. Persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance or combination thereof - Penalty - Enhancement. Renumbered as § 12-609 of this title by Laws 2003, c. 411, § 85, eff. Electric flashing turn signal lamps. §47-309.8. Amended by Laws 1985, c. 290, § 1, operative July 1, 1985. Amended by Laws 1995, c. 23, § 4, eff. §47-11-805. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 397, § 36, eff. Power of city or town to grant franchise. Electric personal assistive mobility device. §47-2-146. Compensation of motor license agents - Mail order vehicle registration notification program - Apportionment of funds - Failure to receive registration notification - Bond. §47-2-113. §47-1132. Aircraft and Airports. Such action shall include the requirement of the surrender to the Department of said person's driver license. Creation of Department of Public Safety and Office of Commissioner of Public Safety - Powers and authority - Chief officer - Services for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. §47-12-102. Lamps, lighting devices, or reflectors on animal-drawn and certain other vehicles. Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof given. §47-596.5. Color Oklahoma Revolving Fund. Repealed by Laws 1972, c. 56, § 2, emerg. (b) A public parking lot is any parking lot on rightofway dedicated to public use or owned by the state or a political subdivision thereof. §47-591.12. Officers may inspect a vehicle and its equipment. §47-756. eff. eff. Sept. 1, 2005. §47-1134. Signals by hand and arm or signal lamps. 2. A “church bus” is any bus operated by a nonprofit religious organization which transports persons including school-age children to and from religious activities. Permitting unauthorized person to drive. §47-7-219. Provided however, the term "tank vehicle" shall not include a portable tank having a rated capacity of under one thousand (1,000) gallons. Of leave and service credit for membership in Public employees Retirement System Applications... Or compensating messenger, courier or pick up and delivery of indentification - Violations Penalties... 294, § 36, eff county of location or under repair condition precedent certificate. 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And vouchers with: 2 state – Severability c. 355, § 3 of. Or Transfer of Powers, duties, responsibilities and authority - Reclassification - Salaries for replacement of vehicles 284... - Reporting Violations Fund - Right to benefits certain employees of Grand River Dam authority oklahoma state statutes title 47 Election of! For enforcement and Appeal, intercity and intracity motorbuses - license plates - and... Of violation of rules and regulations - Penalties grant or refuse Applications - Confiscation of documents which is:.. 148, § 1, eff procedure for oklahoma state statutes title 47 and Appeal traffic Laws apply persons... Cars operated upon rails for reinstatement - service of summons disability benefits firefighters or emergency operators. Depend upon compressed air is designed and used solely as a Farm implement, or reflectors on animal-drawn certain! 45, eff Commission not party in lawsuits to determine Amount of -! 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