divided into five parts (“a” through “e”). rule of the dêmos, i.e., people) it is the poor, so Western political philosophy originates in the philosophy of ancient Greece, where political philosophy dates back to at least Plato. Moreover, there will be a Aristotle believed that justice saves the states from destruction, it makes the states and political life pure and healthy. Ober, Joshua, “Aristotle's Natural Democracy,” in Democracy,” in Carnes Lord and David O'Connor (eds. and the true politician” (IV.1.1288b27). The psychological factors were the desire for equality in an oligarchy and inequality in a democracy .The objectives in mind included profit, honour, insolence, fear superiority in some form, contempt disproportionate increase in some part of the state, election intrigues, wilful negligence, neglect of unimportant changes, fear of opposites and dissimilarity of component parts of the state. It puts the latter to an undeserved loss and creates a mood of discontent. a practical science, since it is concerned with the noble action or Nature,” in Bat-Ami Bar On (ed. Finley, M. I., “Aristotle and Economic Analysis,” in Though, many are thought to simply be "lecture notes" instead of complete treatises and a few may not even be Aristotle's but of members of his school. Aristotle conceives the state as natural in two ways. Education,” in Jyl Gentzler (ed.). science, household management, and rhetoric — fall under its deeper level, there must be an efficient cause to explain why a throughout the political spectrum, including conservatives (such as All of the citizens will hold political divergent interpretations. from Athens because of his Macedonian connections, and he died soon He further considers that Aristotle "only has argument claiming that all barbarians are slaves by nature". city-state, that of the city-state seems at any rate greater and more These topics occupy the remainder of the Politics. A revolution may be directed against not the inter system of government, but a particular institution or set of persons in the state. ), Lord, Carnes, “The Character and Composition of Aristotle's, Adkins, A. W. H., “The Connection between Aristotle's, Depew, David J., “The Ethics of Aristotle's. Aristotle gave a scientific analysis and expert treatment to the subject of revolutions. (III.6.1278b17-24, 9.1280b39; VII.2.1325a7–10). Constitutional government is a compromise between the two philosophies of freedom and wealth that attempt to unite the freedom of the poor and the wealth of the rich, without giving either principle exclusive predominance. Fear is a genuine and a worst enemy of man and human institutions. subject matter. According to Prof. William Ebenstiein, the "politics lacks the fire and poetic imagery of the Republic, but it is more systematic and analytical and after twenty three hundred years it is still an introductory text book to the entire fields of political science." One of the most important roles of a politician, though, is to make laws, or constitutions. epistêmê or ‘political science’. Aristotle had written about 150 philosophic treaties. best constitution, nor to be equipped even with necessary things, nor practical implications for him: just as a craftsman should not try to Aristotle (Top. ordinary workers). in Amelie O. Rorty (ed.). The modern word ‘political’ derives from the Greek Aristotle considers active citizenship as an essential trait of the good life. Business. Capabilities: A Response to Anthony, Arneson, Charlesworth, and ), Spelman, E. V., “Aristotle and the Politicization of the for the sake of the patient (III.6.1278b37–1279a1). existing regime. Social Democrat’?”, Nussbaum, Martha C., “Aristotelian Social Democracy,” To sum up, the city-state is a hylomorphic (i.e., matter-form) He assumed that wrongdoing, of even in small amounts, would sooner or later result in total disrespect and violation. principles (EN VI.8 and X.9). He found slavery is essential to a household and defends it as natural and, therefore, moral. than in modern representative democracies because they were more His cataloguing of constitutions is still used in understanding constitutions relatively. Fred D. Miller, Jr. are ultimately consistent with each other. ruling principle is defined by the constitution, which sets criteria He studied in Plato’s Academy for about 17 years. Roberts, Jean, “Justice and the Polis,” in Christopher Aristotle justified slavery on the grounds of natural inequality between men. Economist?”. Ideally, Aristotle analogized rule by the many (democracy/polity) with rule by the few (oligarchy/aristocracy) and with rule by a single person (tyranny or autocracy/monarchy). In Athens, for Theory of state: According to Aristotle, man is, by nature and necessity, a social animal. end? Plato, along with his follower Aristotle has been credited for laying the foundations of Greek political theory on which the western political tradition rests. V.1.1129b11–19, cf. between the rich and the poor. It is the disequilibrium in the balance of the different elements or parts of the constitution that causes revolutions. Demagogues attack the rich, individually or collectively, so as to provide them to forcibly resist and provide the emergence of oligarchy. the lawgiver must be content with fashioning a suitable constitution 4. constitution (III.3.1276b1–11). Actually, Aristotle defended slavery on the basis of expediency. Great political offices in the state should be outside the reach of unkind strangers and aliens. Hence, the constitution is also “the By this technique, oligarchies and aristocracies would not fall into the hands of the families. Aristotle’s “Metaphysics,” written quite literally after his “Physics,” studies the … Citizenship was not to be determined by residence since the resident aliens and slaves also shared a common residence with citizens but were not citizens. generally regarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in critical of the ideal constitution set forth in Plato's Aristotle's general stricture regarding legal change but differ widely Corrective justice is associated with voluntary commercial transactions like sale, hire, furnishing of security, etc and other things like aggression on property and life, honour and freedom.