Today, even those of us who will gladly dine on rabbit pot pie or … Seahorses don’t have stomachs; therefore they need to eat regularly since their food goes straight to their digestive systems. Eating horse meat is quite common in many parts of the world, including France, Belgium, Switzerland, … Mexico, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Poland and China are among the nations where many people eat horse meat without a second thought. The wild horse and burro program bears no resemblance to the way the government handles other charismatic megafauna, some of which people hunt for sport, like wolves, or kill for meat… Of course, no one wants to eat mislabeled food, but our revulsion to eating horse goes further than that. Horse meat is most common in France where it is called chevaline or cheval. You might never want to imagine your food letting out a neigh, but that taboo doesn’t hold true everywhere. MARCH AGAINST HORSE SLAUGHTER — The top 10 countries with the highest horse meat export value are responsible for about 90% of the world’s total value in 1000’s of USD as shown in Table 6 and the accompanying bar chart. Horse meat was in the news last week when a study found some stores selling it as beef. Horse meat. In 2002, the 14 principal horse meat producing countries produced 700,000 tonnes of horse meat, with over two-thirds produced by the top six: 1 China, 2 Mexico, 3 Kazakhstan, 4 Italy, 5 Argentina, 6 Mongolia [3]. In fact, several continents, other than the United States, including Asia, South America, and Europe eat horse meat regularly. The consumption of horse meat in Europe in 2001 was 153,000 tonnes [4]. But many countries around the world openly serve horsemeat and it's easy to spot on menus, if you know what words to look for. In Indonesia, we can find horse meat processed into some dishes called “sate kuda” and “tongseng kuda”. • China again tops the list of countries with the most number of horses slaughtered (34% of the total) representing ~ 1.6 million horses on an annual basis. Since they are slow swimmers, eating can be very challenging. According to the New York Times, chevaline is popular in many European and Asian countries because it can be substituted for beef at a cheaper cost. Dogs may be man’s best friends but not to some citizens of Switzerland, Vietnam, Nigeria, South Korea, Indonesia, Greenland, the Philippines, and China, who consider the animals as just livestock. Horse is commonly eaten in many countries in Europe and Asia. The blog Eat Horse, dedicated to "promoting the human consumption of horse meat," touts the meat's healthy qualities: it's low fat, low cholesterol, and high in iron. They are: China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Taiwan, Viet Nam, the Arctic and Antarctica and two cantons of Switzerland. One journalist voiced this opinion in an 1895 op-ed: “Horses can be raised in the US much cheaper than cattle. In some cases, the horse meat was up to 100% of the meat sold. Eating horse meat is not uncivilized. Table 6 – Top 10 horse meat… The meat then powdered with the ingredients particularly typical tropical spices and ready to be processed further. Mexico, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Poland and China are among the nations where many people eat horse meat without a second thought. In the United states it is considered illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption, but in many countries horse meat is considered no different than cow meat. There are many countries that consume horse meat. They quoted a Qur’aanic verse and a hadeeth as evidence for that. In the U.S., eating horse meat is a controversial topic. In other European and Asian countries - including Japan, China, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland - horse meat is a dietary staple. Horse meat: one year after - Actions announced and delivered! The top ten horse meat producing countries represent 77% of the total global horse meat production. Perception….. 19th century… if you had to eat your horse, you were at the end of your rope and in serious trouble. This represents almost a half billion USD ($478,729,000). In Switzerland, it is illegal to buy and sell dog meat. Eleven countries around the world still eat dog meat. However, there are many countries where horse meat is an acceptable form of protein, even IKEA’s motherland of Sweden. It's not common here in the Netherlands but I eat it sometimes. Muslims are allowed to eat horse meat as long as its not bloody and slaughtered according to the islamic traditions. 10 Dogs. These countries were also the leading producers of goat meat. But only certain kinds of meat; when news broke that the Department of Agriculture was to approve a horse meat processing plant, people got upset. From 2007 to 2015, global goat meat consumption increased annually by healthy +X%. If you have a horse as a pet, you’ll no doubt find it hard to believe that people in some countries eat horse meat. Americans love their meat, like a whole hell of a lot. In Indonesia, horse satay is called sate kuda. Is it illegal to eat horse in the US? Horse meat … Answer to: Is horse meat eatable? Let us consider some countries that love horse meat. Investigators in Ireland, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Belgium, and a number of other countries found various amounts of horse meat in beef sold in those countries. China is followed by Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia and Mongolia which mirrors the horse meat producing country list. We personally can’t understand why anyone would want to eat these majestic creatures, but horse meat is a fairly popular dish in other parts of the world. It is considered to be a major meat in only a few countries and it forms a significant part of the culinary traditions of many others, from Europe to South America to Asia. Financially-ailing farmers began to increasingly argue for the right to slaughter, eat, and export horse meat as a way to sustain themselves. China (well you just have to love what China keeps doing right?) Other scholars – including Abu Haneefah and his two companions – are of the view that it is makrooh to eat horse meat. Horse meat found in beef products, such as burgers and lasagna, in some European countries has become a big issue, not because it’s horse but because it is being sold as beef. In other hand, in most of Asia countries including Indonesia, horse meat is often served after sliced into small pieces. Mexico, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Poland and China are among the nations where many people eat horse meat without a second thought. Breeders in East Europe are finding a … In many other nations, however, eating horse meat is no big deal – and in some cultures, it’s even considered a delicacy. ANSWER: In many other nations, however, eating horse meat is no big deal - and in some cultures, it's even considered a delicacy. First and foremost, horsemeat is the culinary name for meat cut from a horse. How Often Do The Seahorses Eat? According to Wikileaks - the top eight countries consume about 4.7 million horses a year. If you don't fancy trying a meat that could have been a cuddly pet, proceed with caution when exploring local dishes in the following countries. Young seahorses consume about 3,000 pieces of food daily. Yes, people do eat horses. ANSWER: In many other nations, however, eating horse meat is no big deal - and in some cultures, it's even considered a delicacy. USA - 120kg of meat per person per year; Kuwait - 119.2kg; Australia - 111.5kg; The Bahamas - 109.5kg; Luxembourg - 107.9kg The story that horse meat was being passed off as beef, exposed the complex nature of our globalised food supply chain. 11 countries who still eat dog meat Pets. After the reports of possible traces of horse meat in IKEA's famous meatballs in Europe, the U.S. Department of Agriculture was quick to point out that Americans need not worry. The highest annual growth rates of goat meat consumption from 2007 to 2015 were recorded in … After I started working at a history theme park where we had some oxen, and finding out how nice, gentle and well-trained cattle can be, I decided there was no good reason not to eat horse. Aside from the obvious problem many consumers would have with just eating horse meat, there were also concerns about certain horse-specific medications … Britain on the other hand, had quite the scandal over horse meat back in early 2013. Photo credit: BBC. Here are some countries whose citizens will eat your favorite pet without a second thought.