Remember those big numbers physicists aren’t afraid of? I’m gradually beginning to believe the “2012 End Of The World” event is for real, but not by comet or Planet X – rather more likely due to an accretion of gobbledygook on the communications channels. Outside of canon, I recall an interview with Roddenberry. and times.) A light bulb went off, but now I have to ind the room that is light up. In effect one is attempting to cross the light barrier if the Alcubierre warp drive can be transformed into this form which does not violate the weak energy condition. “And so the concept of warp drive is to say, all right, let’s take our ship, let’s build a bubble of space-time around it, and then we’ll have that propel us … Now consider this as a “rotation” of the Alcubierre warp drive from one with a negative energy T^{00} < 0 to one with a negative pressure p < 0. I should mention two other things. You have to adapt. WORLD CEMETERY 2012. It sounds impossible, but scientists at NASA’s Eagleworks Laboratories have been building and testing just such a thing. I do know a thing or two about general relativity. So and
are allowed, but and aren’t… of course “104”, “1012” and “1030” are supposed to mean 10^4, 10^12 and 10^30, and “C70” is C with subscript 70…. new ship was significantly faster than We configure. Lawrence Crowell- You left out the fact that none of jojo’s items have ever been observed traveling anywhere near the speed of light! It’s no good to go to a place that has an exploding star on the rise. fairly simple, but we quickly There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, thanks to the efforts of you and the scientists for Operation Warp Speed. I consider this an accerated divergant state that can ‘mimic’ a repulsive state, but remain a convergent state. I still plan on seeing the new Star Trek movie in May. Can the Rune Knight's runes only be placed on materials that can be carved? I would then take a closer look at dark matter and Brane/M theory. So it's important to pick a scale that correlates with your analytical objectives. The following things are therefore impossible: Seemingly not plausible but the elements of existence order themselves to a point. With all of that said- I really hope that I am wrong. warp speeds TOO fast. It turned one of the missiles targeting the Heart of Gold into a pot of petunias (the other missile was turned into a whale). I have an axiom that uses asymptotic levels of 1 for all numbers. And the answers are coming. Warp factor 10. Scientists are always telling us how many things are impossible. I expect it. Robert Forward has done some work on the subject, but I will finish it. Then we manipulate that configuration. Region 1 is to warp 9; it's a simple bump of the old method, using 10/3 power (=3.333... power) instead of 9/3 power (=3 power). spreadsheet to calculate the speeds This interface is outside of either space-time regions and thus cannot be governed by space-time laws since the interface is what warps space-time. Second, we had to work It’s like the Darwin version of elemental evolution. I’m no physicist, but my engineering gut says so. I think a good place to start is right here at home with time travel. I’ve never believed in the possibility of material faster than light travel (or time travel) in itself. I don’t mind. The spatial parts are T^{ij} = KpU^iU^. the original. @Wikis - The answer is Gene Roddenberry said Warp 10 is the universe's speed limit. However, I believe we could possibly perceive and communicate, or even achieve virtual “presence”, at vast distances through quantum transmission. If we can “simply” squash the tightly curled extra-dimensions (greater than the “normal” four we live in) in front of a futuristic spacecraft and expand them behind, a bubble of stationary space will be created for the spacecraft to reside in. We don’t know enough on how to make any such thing happen in the first place, so saying it cant be done is just as far fetched a notion. If he says go warp 13, you go warp 13. Hint: everything becomes a plasma at 104 K, and somewhere around 1012 K, IIRC, everything becomes a quark-gluon plasma. In an alternate universe, warp 13 was possible for Federation ships. So, you might think the warp bubble is moving faster than light through “normal” space-time, but in fact it’s not, it’s the interface between the two if anything at all since you are warping the “normal” space-time with your warp bubble. The plot in part concerned testing of faster-than-light ship. A NASA engineer has claimed that getting a 'running start' would be the key to ensuring that a real-life, Star Trek-style warp engine is in drive, and not reverse.. Thats when I stopped reading and went to have a cup of tea. Disappointing but interesting stuff as it is good to see people discussing the possibility of faster than light travel. GR left it up to the production staff to implement it. This idea was first put on a scientific grounding Michael Alcubierre from the University of Mexico in 1994, but before that was only popularized by science fiction universes such as Star Trek. You are not the first to resist my claim. Would this require a quantum “transmitter” at the other end? If we do at some point in the future become a spacefaring species, I doubt we will still be biological entities. Always did wonder about the human desire to create robots in our likeness. Personally, I would re investigate the speed of gravity paying particular attention to the idea that since gravity waves do not have an EM component then they should not be constrained by the speed limits applied to photons(3). The key is DARK ENERGY. Outside our galaxy, we are all waiting for answers. It’s a shame, wouldn’t it be neat to go tearing across the universe in a starship. If a sufficiently advanced human race could generate this much energy, I would argue that we would be masters of our Universe anyway, who would need warp drive when we could just as well create wormholes, star gates or access parallel universes. All in all, the garbage collector hasn’t even been on the short list of efficiency-related issues in warp, though it clearly might be for other kinds of programs. So this appears to be the endpoint of RG flow by AdS arguments. Don’t go here. However, if you wanted to create a space-time bubble for subluminal (less-than light speed) travel, no horizons form, and therefore no Hawking radiation is generated. On the contrary, it is perceived that the masses that in the common phraseology exert forces on each other as well as those that exert none, stand with respect to acceleration in quite similar relations. It seems I started quite come debate here… . We send out probes. I has been known that this results in horizons which prevent one from being able to causally connect this spacetime region together. Life going to the moon: It probably happened long before the Apollo program. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Warp - Warp collisions / battle in Star Trek. The president is pushing for a vaccine to be available in October. A tachyon is really a sort of micro-warp drive. -- if 10 is infinity, what is 13??? Clearly physics and cosmology probably is not the Charlie Parker “anything goes,” which does mean there are constraints and obstructions, which likely involve these strange spacetimes. That’s why it’s so curious that the surface of the Sun is about 2,760 degree Celsius (5,000 °F) and its corona (sort of like its atmosphere) ... 10 Countries Missing Things You Thought Would Be Impossible; 10 Creepy Things Social Media Does To Control Your Mind; 10 Gruesome Nerve Agent Incidents That Will Blow Your Mind; 10 Psychological Experiments That Will Blow … Don’t be so sure that the time travel or anything else will be impossible. A larger spike is needed to get from Warp 1 to Warp 9. My whole body of work is in notepads here and computer progs there, but it seems to be all pointing one way. You know those guys who wrote the article are correct- we would have to leave our known universe to make such an attempt. *You* are forgetting that the stuff you are mentioning doesn’t have any mass. However, if you want a deeper dive on those last two topics, I encourage you to read our original launch announcement. So warp 10 corresponds to infinite improbability drive. The real limit is that you will evolve to a lizard in 24hrs and have little lizard babies with Captain Janeway. What happens to the mass of a burned object? I think I saw an episode or a movie where they pass over warp 10, maybe it was =Q= related. “The warp drive on this ground alone is impossible,” he said. The history of the Earth shows that the planet appears to allow speices to grow and prosper. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. 2. How does one do that? Gawd, I hope all this scientific speculation is not based largely on Wall Street mathematics! It just seems crazy complicated... Yeah, read the quote in Steve Jackson's answer. The "Starfleet Technical Manual" also says that the surrounding interstellar phenomena can change warp factors (phenomena like electric and magnetic fields and quantum drag forces. @CajunLuke - I am looking for the writer explanation, not the in-universe one. I suspect that navigation at superluminal velocities will prove to be the biggest obstacle of all. From Star Trek: The Next Generation onward, warp speed has a basically cubic scale from warps 1 - 9. With negative pressure the analogue would be a spring that once extended exterts a force with the force you exert. exponent (and the speed) would be Gasoline: It is just a component of petroleum, or fossilized algae, which we separate out in columns that we call refineries. Like now we see an extreme solar minima. And yes! The key word is virtual. In Star Trek (2009), how did the warp-capable Enterprise get trapped by the gravity of a black hole? There are horizons which causally disconnect the warp bubble. provide some loophole for various When did the writers of Star Trek decide the Federation doesn't use money? Particles interact with each other. “On one side, an observer located at the center of a superluminal warp-drive bubble would generically experience a thermal flux of Hawking particles,” says Stefano Finazzi and co-authors from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy. I will be many years yet to finish the grand piece. The history of the Earth shows that the planet appears to allow speices to grow and prosper. Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor, Visual design changes to the review queues, February 2021 Topic Challenge: Hal Clement. Fifteen years of work requires a few more years but I have to say that the number six is now finding a significance. Exotic matter is what the LHC will maybe produce – one particle at a time…. Which race in Star Trek universe was the first to invent Warp technology? I also think on a broader basis that nature can only exist if it is self-organized according to principles which don’t lead to contradictions, or 0 = 1. I discovered this math tool in 1998 and plugged it into RH and with a lot of elbow grease, I finally saw the path. So, you, yourself, and your ship are not travelling faster than light so that cover’s the Einstein Laws bit. this value. but also lets our ship travel slowly However I do not believe that the Human Race will live long enough to develope major space travel. I am opposed to the idea of sending astronauts to Mars in part because they would doubtless leave a mound of garbage behind and contaminate the place. Forward or backward subject verb agreement, Reformat timestamp in a pipe delimited file. Like going to the shop but there is more then one in the same street, they are all the same shop but in different times. It jumped out at me. What about an object traveling FTL. the general fan expectation that the His … This analysis appears useful as a way of demonstrating that the big rip or phantom energy does not exist. Ever since the sound barrier was broken, people have turned their attention to how we can break the light speed barrier. I try. Check out the Krasnikov tube while you are at it. @ stephan, Sorry to disappoint you, but postings do not really amount to much compared to peer reviewed papers in scientific journals. Why did the Star Trek writers decide Warp 10 would be infinite? Remembering the god-awful Voyager episode, Threshold, when Paris and Janeway become lizards for reaching warp 10, I had to wonder why the TOS cast didn't suffer a similar fate. the ship too fast would make the I am sure there will be some uses for these wastes. Has Gone Before" the Traveler was I liken this to the metric system, where they decide a gram was a rather small amount of mass, but rather than recalibrate, people just decided to measure things in kgs. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. He then set WF 10 as a hard limit. I don’t care what they say! The universal fax machine…. If Bitcoin becomes a globally accepted store of value, would it be liable to the same problems that mired the gold standard? He put in a speed limit to keep writers from inventing more speed as the way out of trouble. That accelerations play a prominent part in the relations of the masses, must be accepted as a fact of experience; which does not, however, exclude attempts to elucidate this fact by a comparison of it with other facts, involving the discovery of new points of view.” — Ernst Mach, physicist, 1893, “If we…consequently take objects as they are in themselves, then time is nothing.” — Immanuel Kant, physical scientist/philosopher, 1781, “Time is not an empirical conception. , since gravity waves do not have an EM component then they should not be constrained by the speed limits applied to photons.