He would probably focus more on trying to maintain eye contact with you rather than avoiding eye contact with you. You can look deep into a person’s heart through their eyes. He keeps looking at you because he finds you attractive but he also knows that he can’t make a move on you. A guy may catch your attention with a mysterious stare, but then he shifts his eyes as soon as your eyes meet his. You're probably confusing him "getting along" with and "flirting" with girls that he's not attracted to. dilating large when he looked at me. I also look at the eyes to tell me when someone is suddenly troubled by a subject or an event. But then when he's around me sometimes he acts all macho and acts more confident, even though he has never spoken to me he still acts all macho and this has been going on for a year but is starting to fade down. He should go as soon as possible. Smiles that reach his eyes A guy who finds you attractive will smile a lot at you and these smiles will reach his eyes and make them crinkle at little at the sides. Rather, you will find him making the most of that moment. Ok so everyday there is a guy that likes me and everyday he looks at me or stares. If he was single, he may be more aggressive when it comes to eye contact. He obviously stares at you because he's physically attracted to you. Check Out The Way He Looks At You. He Is Always There. These are doctors who specialize in the eye. Shy guys are known to make gaze aversions due to nervousness. But trust me, take notice to his voice, not his eyes, cause its his voice that tells you he loves you. When we make eye contact his eyes go really soft like a baby puppy. I look at the eyes principally to tell me when someone is comfortable and relaxed. But when you look at something you like they dont always dialate, and if they do, its not always noticable. A man in love wants to be with you 24/7 and even when he’s not around, he makes his presence felt. I notice all the time that his eyes go soft, when he looks at me. He will look into your eyes directly . What does it mean when my crush looks at me with soft and gentle eyes? Then his eyes were going soft , like eg. The look of a man in love is unmistakable. If his eyes are becoming soft, there are several reasons for that - none of them good. Eyes have a huge power to communicate feelings. If he looks straight into your eyes both when he speaks and when he listens, he’s probably in love with you. If you look at him, he will take it as an invitation and if you don’t, he will assume you have rejected him. Dilated pupils would also give his eyes a kind of sparkle when he flashes his pearlies at you. Eye problems can be extremely serious. When making love to you, he won’t just stare at the walls or out of the window waiting to finish off. Yesterday I was siting on the bench with my friend and he was across the room from me, and me and his eyes just looked at each other. If at all possible, you should tell him to visit an ophthalmologist. Hope i helped xxx Based upon how your partner stares at, learns about, and understands you is a true indicator of why you are so very special to them. Focusing on what your eyes and your partner’s eyes say through looks of appreciation, fascination, and security can speak volumes of love. I wouldnt worry about it, your probably just being paranoid. I've caught him checking me out and sometimes I think that he hates me other times not.